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    En profiter

Izzi Gomez

  • Date de naissance


  • Ville d'origine

    Holmes Beach, Florida, United States

Isabella « Izzi » Gomez is a professional surfer & waterwoman. A five-times stand-up-paddling World Champion, Izzi has made strides in her sport.  

In January 2021, Izzi surfed some of the world’s most impressive waves at Jaws, before taking part in the ISA World Surfing Games in May

That same year, an injury sidelined her for the rest of the season, putting a temporary halt to her dreams. But Izzi is now back in the race and ready to make waves.

And for her future? She dreams of winning at Jaws and riding increasingly big waves in the WSL big waves tour.



What does it mean to you to become a ROXY Girl? 

Becoming a ROXY girl is my childhood dream come true! Growing up, ROXY had such an impact on me and the way I saw surfing. To me the brand represents fun, sisterhood, heart and strong powerful women. I’m so stoked to be a ROXY Girl  

Who were your heroes growing up? 
Growing up in Florida my hero’s were Florida natives Lisa Andersen and Kelly Slater!  

What would you like to tell young girls who dream to become professional athletes one day?  

Be kind to yourself and follow your heart. Trust the process because everyone has their own path and timing.  

Could you tell us about a personal example of pushing hard for your dreams? 

Pushing hard for my dreams has challenged me both physically, and mentally. After the best winter I have had so far, I found myself enduring a serious injury to my hip. Then, I finally made the decision to get the surgery needed to ensure a long, healthy career. Over the past few months, I have worked harder than ever to make sure I come back stronger, and better than before. 

Which ROXY Girls do you most looking forward to riding with? 

I’m really looking forward to surfing with Lisa Andersen, Betty Lou sakura Johnson, Steph Gilmore and Kelia moniz. All of these women are so inspiring!  

What are your dreams for the next 5 years? 

My dreams for the next 5 years would definitely have to be getting barreled at jaws, becoming big wave world champion and giving the qualifying / challenger series a good run! I’d really love to explore more big wave spots and get comfortable in different lineups. Overall I just want to continue to do what makes me happy and be the best version of myself.  

What are your hopes for the future of women in surfing?  

It’s so cool because a lot of the things I hoped to see in womens surfing are on the table now such as equal pay, the chance for the women to compete at the same waves as the men and the rise of the next generation. That being said I just hope the industry will continue to build off this momentum and give the women the opportunities they deserve.